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Welcome! Stelvision is a french publisher specialized in stargazing. Would you like to acquire translation and publication rights? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Stargazing with a Telescope and Stargazing with Binoculars are built upon the same concept : beginner friendly, nicely illustrated, they make exploration of the sky easy and pleasant !
Are you the proud owner of a telescope? This is perfect for discovering the wonders of the starry sky, especially those unsuspected by the naked eye… provided you know where to look!
This very accessible guide gives all the keys to succeed in fascinating observations of the sky with a telescope. Its 75 practical sheets introduce more than a hundred celestial objects to discover step by step. Clear and precise maps make it easy to find your way around the night sky. The basic notions are recalled for beginners.
For any observer located in the northern hemisphere and equiped with any telescope, even modest.
Published in September 2021 | 12 000+ copies sold
17,5 x 23 cm | 208 pages | Price in France : 29 € | EAN : 9782956341741
A full description and excerpts are available here (in French).
Simpler and more affordable than a telescope, binoculars are ideal for familiarizing yourself with the sky and starting to explore it. Craters of the Moon, star clusters, nebulae, comets, and even some distant galaxies, all of this can be discovered with a good guide and simple binoculars!
After an introductory chapter on the starry sky and observation equipment, this practical guide offers 35 observation sheets with detailed location maps and clear explanations. The observations are classified by season of visibility and level of difficulty. They are achievable with the majority of binoculars on the market, from any country in the northern hemisphere.
A simple, practical and inspiring guide!
Published in October 2017 | 22 000+ copies sold
16 x 21 cm | 112 pages | Price in France : 22.90 € | EAN : 9782953860382
A full description and excerpts are available here (in French).
A star-finder for fun and easy exploration of the sky! This rotating disk models your view of the night sky according to your specified time and date. Excellent accuracy for 40° to 55° latitudes and practical for 30° to 65° latitudes.
Unique features: Additional pages inside the cardboard leaflet provide information about the major planets and deep sky wonders:
Published in May 2022 (12th edition) | 170 000+ copies sold since 1st edition in 2011
22,5 cm x 30,4 cm | 4 pages | Price in France : 18 € | EAN : 9782956341796
A full description and excerpts are available here in French.
This map presents the Moon’s seas, major craters, and reliefs. Nine of the most spectacular lunar landscapes are shown in more detail. Explanations of the Moon’s phases are also provided to help stargazers best plan out their observations.
Unique feature : this product offers three different viewing versions:
Published in May 2019 | 10 000+ copies sold
22 cm x 30,3 cm | 4 pages | Price in France : 14 € | EAN : 978-2-956341734
A full description and excerpts are available here in French.
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